For the camera junkies out there, it's a Canon Digital Rebel XTi. It came with a lens kit for the zoom (18-55 mm). In two days, I took 70 pictures. Each of them are over 3MB. My laptop literally groaned when I uploaded them last night.
A few months ago I moved most of our pictures on our computer to an external hard drive, to give us a little breathing room on the laptop. And now I finally understand the point of all those terrabyte drives. It's so I can store 18,000 pictures of my child that I will take this year.
I plan on becoming quite the photographer of my child. Just look how good* the pictures already are!

Helen needs a haircut. Really, really needs a haircut. But I can't bring myself to cut those curls. Also, I will laugh at whoever thinks she can sit still for a haircut. Ha!
At her cousin's birthday party, Helen contemplates which to smear on her face first - ice cream or cake.
Here we have a rare shot of the photographer, as she reluctantly lets someone else use her PRECIOUSSSSSSSSS.
* - "good" is my opinion.
Love the haircut shot. And it IS a nice camera `8)
Nice baby. Bye bye
those pictures are great! i hope you had a great birthday, i knew it was your birthday and meant to call you! sorry, i am a horrible friend! love you, and i'll make it up to you in mexican!
Glad you had a fabulous 6th Anniversary of your 2xth B-day!
Love & Hugs! Always 'Tine
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