It's never a good idea to let me into a Target supervised by only a 17-month old.
Helen is now the proud parent of a Fisher Price baby. She held that doll all the way to the register, where there was a bit of a struggle to get it scanned. There was an even bigger struggle when we got home and I tried to get the doll out of its packaging.
The baby came with a little bottle, and after spending a lot of time (at her insistence) "feeding" the baby, I've taught her how to do it. I tried to teach her how to "burp" the baby, but she just hugs her instead.

Yeah, yeah, I know - child's play compared to your winters. ;)
I was just talking the other day about our massive pre-trip Target shopping for the Cousin Trips....
Ah yes, the Cousin Trip to Target. Generally where I bought everything I needed for the upcoming vacation, including the suitcase.
Turns out it's a way more expensive vacation if you go that route.
I'm just saying -- you had a long history of uncontrolled shopping at Target long before the small one came along.... The first step is admitting you have a problem.
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