Here we have a good example of Helenicus Monkinius, or as it's more commonly known in this part of the country: "Monkey Toddler." Note the squinting eyes, the deceptive grin - clearly, this creature is contemplating her mother's every move and deciding how loudly to say "no." Oh, it's a wily one, to be sure.
I took a lot of pictures yesterday, and here are some animals that stood still for me:
My favorite pictures came from the Elephant Savannah, where they took advantage of the watering hole to bathe:
And I also got some great shots of flowering water lilies near Monkey Island:
This perky bird would not sit still for the camera, but I managed to snap one of him after a great deal of patience:
And here sits a meerkat, giving us a little look that says, "Hey, I'm working on a reality show here, move it along."
It was steaming hot yesterday, but I managed to endure over 3 hours in the extreme temperatures. Helenicus Monkinius, on the other hand, wilted like a lily at the end. And as I put that sweaty creature back into the car, she mumbled, "More animals."
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