
Mmmm, cookies.

While Helen & I were napping this afternoon, Brian went to the store. I awoke to the delicious smell of freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies.

Brian: There's nothing better than cookie dough icing on top of a cookie.

Me: Really?

Brian: (takes a bite) Oh my god!

Me: What?

Brian: I can actually feel my hips expanding!


Anonymous said...

Cookie dough icing!?!

Jennie said...

Yes, that's where you don't bake all of the cookie dough, but instead, put some of it (raw) on the freshly-baked cookie.

Sounds pretty good, huh?

Anonymous said...

thanks brian!! you know i am going to have to try that! i've got a wedding dress to fit into ! uh by the way,, mexican this week? :)

Jennie said...

Helen says she would love to ogle some waiters. Name the day and we're there.