At the time, I was pregnant. I thought, hey, we'll have a very little baby then! Won't that be a problem? Brian assured me that the company would let us take a baby if I was nursing. I knew Brian would work very hard to get there, but my thought was, let's worry about that when he meets the goal.
Brian kept selling all summer. He was racking up the deals. I was thrilled for him but waited to make any plans.
And then I went through labor and delivery and maternity leave, which was sort of distracting. Just as I headed back to work, Brian hit the last week of the program and learned he had qualified. We had a trip to the Dominican to book on the 4th weekend of October.
So, now it was time to worry about what to do. I knew Helen would have a ball with her grandparents, but I went back and forth on what to do with Alice. Four whole days away from an 11-week old baby is rough on both mom and baby. I could take my breast pump with me, and Alice is used to getting bottles at daycare, but the connection is not the same. She recognizes my voice now, and god, that smile! She really is a happy baby, and I would just miss her. I didn't want to ruin the progress we were making together, and I couldn't imagine leaving her behind.
And then I thought, Dominican Republic. I don't know if you are catching the news on this place lately, but it's in a bit of political unrest right now, and that's putting it mildly. Also, the middle of the Carribbean at the end of hurricane season could be dangerous. On top of that, they tell you not to drink the water. And it's hot and humid and there's sand everywhere. So maybe not the best place to bring a new infant.
So, in the end, I told Brian to book it for just the two of us, and we made plans for Helen and Alice to stay with her grandparents. I spent weeks pumping and freezing extra milk for the baby. And then the day finally came - we got up at the crack of dawn last Friday, drove to the airport in the pouring rain, boarded a plane and headed due south.
Of course, it was an incredible trip. We never left the resort to do any sightseeing around town, but instead spent the entire time relaxing, sleeping, and enjoying the beautiful beach. Oh, and eating and drinking. The food was fantastic, and the drinks were amazing.
Coming back home, we discovered the temperatures hit freezing. Helen had so much fun with her grandparents, now she actually cries at night and tells me how much she misses them. And the baby didn't seem any worse for the absence. Alice spent her time hitting them up for more bottles, and when I took her to daycare, they mentioned she suddenly wanted to be held all the time.
Hmm. I wonder why.
Below are some pictures of the resort. Just plain awesome doesn't begin to describe it.

All in all, it was a fantastic four days. Very relaxing to get a bunch of hours of sleep in a row and have a little bit of peaceful quiet and ocean waves to enjoy. I'd recommend the place to anyone looking for a nice vacation spot, and I wouldn't mind going back there again.
But it sure was nice to hug the girls when we got home.